Did you know that aluminum is one of the more abundant metal elements on earth! However you won't find it as a shiny metal in nature. It is usually part of the mineral, bauxite, which is a hydrated aluminum oxide, and is powdery and white.
Mom and Dad are enjoying Gooseberry Falls, but Dante is hot and tired.
Hello and Welcome to the Barnesville Physical Sciences web page. Here you will find interesting science tidbits as well useful documents and information on how to get to the online textbooks for Chemistry and Physical Science.
About me: I am from Montevideo, MN. I went to school at SCSU and NDSU. After teaching a couple of years in Olivia, MN, I returned to graduate school at NDSU. Now I am at my most favorite gig yet: teaching Chemistry, Physics and Physical science in Barnesville!
Tiffany (the other, better half) is a cook at Cardinal Muench Seminary, in Fargo. We have a little boy, Dante, and another on the way, Magdalena.
If you have any questions or concerns about what's happening in the science classroom, feel free to e-mail any time or call. The best times to catch me by phone are during my prep period, 8th hr, or before or after school.
John Goering
218-354-2228 ext 329
Daily Schedule:
1st Hr Physics 8:30-9:15
2nd Hr Chemistry 9:19-10:04
3rd Hr Physical Science 10:08-10:53
Lunch 10:57-11:23
4th Hr Physical Science 11:27-12:12
5th Hr Chemistry 12:16-1:01
6th Hr Prep Hour 1:05-1:50
7th Hr Physical Science 1:54-2:39
8th Hr Study Period 2:43-3:18
Attached are the class room rules and procedures which include: grading policy, late work policy, and how to access the online textbooks for Chemistry and Physical Science
Welcome to Chemistry, Physics, or Physical Science Class!
Rules for Mr. Goering’s Classroom
1. No horseplay in the lab.
2. No foul language.
3. Raise you hand for questions and comments.
4. Be respectful to your classmates.
5. Bring your textbook, notebook, pencil and calculator each day.
6. No food or drink in class.
7. No cell phones, music devices, other such electronics in class.
8. You must sign-out to leave class and sign-in upon returning. Your have three emergency passes per quarter, unused passes will be worth 5 extra credit points at the end of the quarter. You can have a fourth or fifth “emergency” but it will cost you a detention.
9. Discipline will be according to school policy.
-Grades are determined from homework problems, worksheets, progress points labs, lab reports and tests. The grading scale is according to district policy. (90%-A/80%-B/70%-C/60%-D)
-Homework problems from the book and review worksheets are due at the beginning of the hour, the day before the test.
-Labs will be completed as a group and scored out of 30. The lab members will then divide the points fairly according to group consensus, and grades will then be calculated out of 10pts. Labs are due the day after the lab is completed in class unless otherwise noted.
-Late work will receive no credit!! Bring an excused absence slip to turn in work up to two days per excused absence.
-Extra credit is given for homework turned in before the due date (2pts), and for finding errors in my work (1pt) and for unused passes (5pts).
Rules for the lab
1. Put all “rugged” equipment away at the lab stations.
2. Clean and return all other equipment to the stock table.
3. Wear goggles or safety glasses as required for the lab.
4. Be safe and respectful, labs can be dangerous!!
5. Labs are due the day after the lab is complete.
6. Making up a lab is not always possible, therefore a 2-page paper about a similar topic can be substituted.
Online Book Access Codes: go to glencoe.com, select state, student, subject
Physical Science: B6A3120BCA
Chemistry: FFFFA044E1