• 2024-25 Trojan Preschool Calendar - Click Here To Download


    School Readiness - Trojan Preschool is a program of Barnesville Public Schools and Community Education for children ages 3-5. The goal of our program is to provide high quality preschool experience for all children. We provide developmentally appropriate learning opportunities through play and teacher guidance to support social/emotional, physical, creative, and academic growth needed to start kindergarten.

    For more information on 

    Minnesota School Readiness Programming visit - https://education.mn.gov/MDE/fam/elsprog/sch/

    Barnesville’s Trojan Preschool Program - Please see info below


    Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) - is based on the idea that parents provide their child's first and most significant learning environment and parents are children's first and most enduring teachers. ECFE is a parenting education program that provides programming and services for families of small children. Parent and family engagement is crucial to a young learner's development and provides a foundation for future school success and lifelong learning.


    Early Childhood Screening - The early childhood years from birth to the start of kindergarten are an important time of rapid learning and growth. Screening is a quick, no-cost check to identify possible health or developmental concerns in infants and young children. Screening does not diagnose. It supports children's learning and promotes health and development.

    The Early Childhood Screening program includes vision and hearing, height and weight, immunization review, review of health care coverage, risk factors which may impact learning, large and small muscles, thinking, language and speaking skills as well as parent report of social emotional development, and a parent summary meeting

    For more information visit https://education.mn.gov/MDE/fam/elsprog/screen/


    Are you new to Barnesville? 

    Please contact the elem office at 218-354-2300 or kwilson@barnesville.k12.mn.us to be added to the school district’s 0-4 Census. When you are on the census you will receive information about Trojan Preschool, Screening, and ECFE classes. 



    School Readiness - Trojan Preschool

    Trojan Preschool serves children ages 3-4 in Junior Preschool and ages 4-5 in Senior Preschool. Enrollment in Junior and Senior Preschool is based on when your child will begin Kindergarten. 

    In both Junior and Senior preschool classes we follow the
    Early Childhood Indicators of Progress: Minnesota’s Early Learning Guidelines (ECIP). The early childhood years are an important time of rapid growth and learning. Children’s brains are developing more quickly at this time than at any other. They are exploring what they can do with their bodies and creating relationships with loved ones. They are investigating how the world works and their place in the world. Because of this complex and rapid development in young children, a shared set of expectations of what children know and do is necessary to build successful early childhood programs and supports. In Minnesota, this set of shared expectations is called the Early Childhood Indicators of Progress: Minnesota’s Early Learning Standards (ECIP). The ECIPs, which are aligned with the K-12 Academic Standards, ensure equitable access to a robust education across programs for all children.

    Link to ECIP https://edocs.dhs.state.mn.us/lfserver/Public/DHS-7596A-ENG

    Registration Information

    Registration takes place once a year in April. If you missed registration in April you can reach out to Laura Lempe at llempe@barnesville.k12.mn.us to ask about current Preschool openings. 

    Registration information is mailed out to all families with preschool age eligible children. If you are new to Barnesville, please contact our school office at 218-354-2300 to be put on the mailing list. 

    Click to download the 2024-2025 Trojan Preschool Registration Information

    2023-2024 Trojan Preschool Classes

    Senior Preschool 1 (SP1) - M-Th Morning 

    Senior Preschool 2 (SP2) - MWF Morning 

    Senior Preschool 3 (SP3) - MWF Afternoon 

    Junior Preschool 1 (JP1) - T Th Morning 

    Junior Preschool 2 (JP2) - T Th Afternoon

    Early Childhood Family Education

    Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is a District 146 Community Education program of Barnesville Public Schools. Our mission is to strengthen families through play, learning ,and support all parents toward healthy growth and development of their children. A sliding fee scale is provided to make classes and events affordable for families. No one will be denied participation for inability to pay.

    Class information and Registration
    is through Community Education. Classes are offered throughout the school year. 

    *Information will be posted mid-September for Fall 2023 classes

    Early Childhood Screening

    Minnesota law requires that ALL children must participate in Early Education Screening.  The school district will provide screening for ALL children between the ages of 3 and 5 years of age that have not already been screened.  Students entering kindergarten next year that have not been screened will need to be screened at this time. Although your child may be screened any time before kindergarten, it is best to do so between three and four years of age, so that any health or developmental concerns can be addressed sooner. 

    The screening will consist of the following components and will take approximately 30 minutes

    1.  Vision & Hearing check

    2.  Physical growth assessment (height & weight) 

    3.  Family factors interview

    4.  Developmental screening

    5.  Immunization review 

    6.  Exit review. 

    When you come to the screening appointment you will need to bring the following items. 

    1)  A copy of your child’s immunizations

    2) A copy of your child’s birth certificate

    3) Completed Child Health and Developmental Form 

    4) Completed Ages & Stages Questionnaire – this will be emailed to you are scheduled

    5) Completed Early Childhood Screening Consent Form 

    6) Completed Registration for Early Childhood screening 

    7) Completed Early Childhood Screening Release of Information form 

    Screening Registration

    Screening will be offered throughout the school year. Check back here for dates and a sign up link.

    Any questions? Laura Lempe llempe@barnesville.k12.mn.us