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    Math Masters is HARD some of the participants will say!

    The 6th grade students on sharpening their math skills for the Math Masters competition coming up on March 11,2011.  This competition will be held from 9-12 at Horizon Middle School in Moorhead.  WE NEED 2 VOLUNTEERS TO JOIN US ON THIS DAY!!

    We will have 3 teams this year competing in 5th and and 3 teams competing in 6th grade.  The participants are put in teams of 5 and are tested on their math facts/order of operations, problem solving as a team, and problem solving as an individual.

    We work about 2 hours every week on strategies, reviewing skills, and working together to prepare for the competition.

    The 5th grade competition is April 29, 2011 at Horizon Middle School in Moorhead.  WE WILL NEED VOLUNTEERS TO JOIN US ON THIS DAY!


    It has been a hard, but rewarding time working with these problems as they test your reasoning and problem solving skills.